Posted by: Moses | July 2, 2005


Love is such a funny word,
So full of meaning… so often lacking.
We look for love in many ways,
But those who taste it
Drink just Christ’s perfection.
He is love. Without Him love is not,
And thus our Lord is love’s sweet spring
From which our love must flow.
He is in all preeminent,
Thus love for Him is always first.
He pours out love, and as He pours, I fill,
Then over-flow with love for those He gives me.
I learn to love and smile in Him,
And thus He shapes me for His will
Aligning me, a puzzle piece,
With the complement He made for me.
So placed I strive to learn to love;
Together we fight to die to us,
As Christ lived, loved, and died for us.
Thus safe in Sovereign surplus love,
Our first desire is our sweet Source,
And then to serve the other.
But after that we live as ministers,
As one completed minister.


  1. oh how i long to constantly live like that! that is my prayer! I want to be an overflow
